Calculate your advantage with Julienne

The Julienne Benefit Calculator

Adjust the sliders according to what you think is realistic for your situation. Exceptionally, you can also play the What if… game.

Challenge: Can you find a case where Julienne is not profitable for you?

Orders through Julienne per month:


Average receipt (gross):


Number of refills of reusable bowls per month:

Usually, several reusable bowls are filled per order. However, the reusable bowls can also be used for on-site orders


Your monthly revenue through Julienne (gross):

Additional margin per month

Your current margin is additionally boosted by numerous effects of digitalization and the Julienne offer. Here are some of the main effects.

Additional profit due to higher customer loyalty and higher average receipt (estimate):


Savings with Julienne reusable bowls compared to disposable or comparable reusable systems (0,25 € per filling):


Savings through more efficient ordering processes and order lead time (around 5 % based on experience):


Savings from the elimination of card payment fees (approximately 3%):


Tips for your great team (3% on average):


Sum of the additional margin per month:


Fees per month

Subscription fees or other fixed monthly fees:


Use of the reusable bowls:

free of charge

Digital Tools, modern and sustainable image:

free of charge

Monthly Julienne fees based on monthly revenues through Julienne (net):

Your monthly benefit at the bottom line

The bottom line is that partnering with Julienne means that you not only digitize your restaurant and make it sustainable, but that you also get more back than you pay for.


Please note that one-time fees, which you can find in the price list, are not included in the calculation. The benefit calculator provides only a first estimate and is only an aid for comprehension. Your individual case may differ. We would be happy to discuss your specific case if you contact us.

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Then apply to become a Julienne partner and we’ll get back to you soon! 

We work with hand-picked restaurants that care as much about fairness and sustainability as Julienne does. This is how Julienne becomes a seal of quality for gastronomy. 

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